Moneywise Finance Class

Moneywise is a introductory class where you'll learn biblical money management skills and be equipped to live with an eternal mindset.

This class is 6 weeks long, starting Sept 25th at 6pm. Since the class is during Kingdom Kids so childcare is provided.

These classes are for all ages and stages of life, even those in financial burden and those wanting a simple evaluation of their stewardship.

The class workbooks are $15 each. If the cost of the class would create a financial burden, please email Kaleb.




Bring a blanket or camping chair and join us at the City Park. Because of bandshell remodel, we will meet at the Center Park Shelter (next to the playground). 

Come ready to worship God through song, prayer, sermon and baptisms. Sign up to be baptized in the creek!

Stay after service both Sundays to enjoy fellowship time together. June 16th we will do floats for fathers. July 7th we will do a free lunch. All ages welcome.



Join us for Easter Weekend from Friday to Sunday

All events at 720 N 12th St right of I-90 Exit 12 (except the sunrise service)

  • Our Good Friday service is Friday March 29th at 6:00pm and celebrates Christ love for us through His death on the cross for our sins. Nursery (birth to 2) is available.

  • Our annual FREE Family Fun Day will be Saturday March 30th from 11:00-1:00 with egg hunts, bounce houses, dunking booth, free food and drinks, prizes and much more for the entire family. All are welcome, we hope to see you!

  • We are starting something new this year, an Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30am. We hope you will rise early and join us to worship our Savior who rose early from the grave on Easter morning! The location is of Exit 17 at 20189 US HWY 85 Spearfish, SD

  • Bring the whole family to the fellowship hall and enjoy a breakfast together between our services on Easter Morning. Breakfast will be egg casseroles, caramel rolls, sausage, fruit, and of course, coffee. Feel free to stay until service starts at 10am.

  • Join us for ONE BIG CELEBRATION on Sunday March 31st at 10am. There is a place for Kids Celebration too, from birth to 5th grade. Come celebrate the good news of the resurrected Christ!

Administrative Assistant

Connection Church is hiring an Administrative Assistant. Follow the link above to view the full job description. If you are interested in applying send your resumes to


Click each date below for more details - all events will be at 720 N 12th St right off exit 12

  • Join us for an interactive Christmas Worship Service. Your children (preschool through 5th grade) will share in the experience of telling how Jesus came for everyone through acting, singing, and celebrating on stage! No rehearsals. No meetings. Just show up and let the kids be guided through the story! Come early at 9:45 AM to get a costume and instructions for the play.

    At 9:30, we will have coffee and cookies for everyone. Bring friends and family and join us for this fun time!

  • Join us Christmas morning at 10am to hear a Christmas message about the Prince of Peace and remember the one we celebrate this season. We will sing Christmas songs and hear a Christmas message, yay Christmas! 

    After the songs, kids K-5 get to have a birthday party for Jesus in the Fellowship Hall! Come at 9:30 for coffee and breakfast items.

  • Join us at 5pm for a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service. Join us to hear a Christmas message, enjoy hot cocoa and carol familiar Christmas songs with us, closing with a candle-lighting and singing.

    There will be an open nursery room (but no one watching the kids) in our children's ministry for those with young kids or nursing mothers room with a live feed of the service. Come with a friend or family and enjoy hearing the story of the birth of Jesus!

Join us for a FREE Block Party VBS!

Join us Wednesday July 14, Thursday July 15, and Friday July 16 from 6:00-7:30 at Spearfish Skatepark for some FREE Block Parties with a twist. Each night there will be free snow cones, lemonade, popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, bounce houses, door prizes and fun for all ages. In addition to the Block Party, this year there will be a mini version (30 minutes) VBS included each evening for children ages Pre-k thru 5th grade with a Bible study and craft. Parents are asked to stay and are encouraged to participate with their children during the VBS time. Early Registration enters you into a special drawing!



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